Photography: Carmen Gondard

Welcome to the spiral journey where embodied play supports healing and liberation.
My name is Sophie Spiral (they/she). I am an eARTh prACTitioner researching, writing, facilitating workshops, creating art and medicines to heal the disconnection between humans and with Earth. Through reconnecting with our inner wisdom, plants, and spirit, I invite you to dance along the spiral path of healing to expand into wholeness and connection.
Join me in this celebration of love and life and become a love warrior committed to a just, joyful, and thriving future!
yours truly,

Dance connects us to
the interconnectedness of love and life!
I commit to healing and liberation for all beings on Earth, in particular by recognizing the ways in which queer, femme, Black, Indigenous, disabled, and more-than-human bodies have and continue to resist colonial and patriarchal hierarchies. Dance is this pathway of transformation because it allows us to embrace the present moment, find our own pleasures and truths, and give us the courage to be with change. Dance is a birthright practice that supports our healing, keeps us healthy, and strengthens us so that we can thrive even through the pains and challenges of life.
Solo Dance Practice
Landscapes of Improvisation

This video serves an introduction to my embodied research practice called Landscapes of Improvisation with focus on my relationship to oceans around the world. It takes you on a journey of the many ocean coasts I've visited and lived near. The dance is improvised in each location with the camera as my witness. The music is added later in the editing phase, so that the feelings and grooves of each place become embodied through my movements. I hope it inspires you, as the outdoors inspires me!
Ancestor Tree
This is a ritual to honor trees as part of our family. Ancestor Tree is our grandmother, grandfather, auntie, father, daughter - they are our inner child and our higher self. A gender queer being encompassing all the care, protection, and wisdom we need to reimagine the world we live in today. How can we be aware of this support that’s always been there? We honor them, our tree ancestors - we dance, we sing, we breathe as ways of being in reciprocity. The piece was developed from my ongoing personal dance practice called Landscapes of Improvisation.
In partnership with KlimaKunstLabor and ZK/U: Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
Choreography & Concept: Sophie Spiral
Camera: Cris Amate @crimaramat
Costumes: Rebecca Hiles @kkim_rosario
Dancers: Miriam Beike, Aymara von Borries Bisbicus, Elisabeth Lehmann, Sophie Spiral
Sound: Benedikt Wieferig
InterPlay: Presence through Play
The InterPlay Method has given me the tools to put my values into action and share what I’ve learned in my personal practice with others. The video below will introduce you to this now international practice developed by Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter over the past 30 years. My workshops combine what I’ve learned from InterPlay with other somatic and herbal knowledges.

Workshop Participant
Thank you for your guidance Sophie! It was a nice change of pace, and great reflection time. I believe these spaces are always necessary, and especially during this crazy time. For all this and more, I thank you!
- Natalie (Berlin)
Workshop Participant
Excellent facilitation, thank you for holding space so calmly and openly and giving people time to share and feel respected in their moments of contribution. You navigated the virtual workshop with ease which is very impressive!
- Anonymous (California)
Workshop Participant
I feel quite refreshed! Wow, I’ve got a new set of eyes! And a new repertoire of movement! And my voice has a new variety of texture and character!
- Ermina Bailon (Singapore)
Embody the Now
From sea to see
green blue periphery
trees above and rooted below
clarity from silty smooth skin
cleansing the body, collectively
we walk around with our signs
drumming along the way
for the movement, for ourselves, for the trees
tuning into earth’s rhythms
NOW is the time for all movements
- race, class, gender, sexuality, ability and environmental justice - to join together!
NOW is the time to act on what is most important.
NOW is the time to fully commit to what I can realistically accomplish.
NOW is the time to envision and create liberation,
at its most basic and complex.
Give it silence, sound, and groove.